Our large Wood Room has two areas. The Assembly Area is where we have several large tables and hand and battery tools are used. The Machinery Workshop is where our larger machines and a large work table are as well as wood and members project storage.
A Supervisor level member is required to be present when using this resource. Current sessions can be seen on the Calendar. Being a Supervisor does not require technical skills, the role is to stand up for our Workshop., ensuring people are following rules, the place is tidy and secure. Contact us if you’d like to step up and work with others in the Workshop.
The Wo(Men)Shed meets in the Wood Working Shop 9am-12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and constructs projects for the community and to support the Workshop itself. Come along, make some new friends and make a difference at the same time.
Tool Training
To use the Drop saw or Table saw we have training that needs to be completed. For members who have participated in the Community Volunteer Sessions this is free, otherwise it is $50.
- Here are the links to the Drop saw Information Sheet and the Test
- And here are the Table Saw Information Sheet and the Test