Wānaka Community Workshop News
Sign Making
We’re getting some stuff done. Today Dunlop Building dropped off some great materials and we started making the first sign. Evolution!
We Have A Building!
The building is rented at 15 Gordon Road and will be open for the first time on Thursday 1st April 2021. Drop in and see what is happening. If you can bring us any timber, a saw bench or some volunteer labour all the better!
Meetings and Decisions
The hardest thing to sort out has been a physical location for the Workshop. We’ve talking to Council about locating a building on Council land and looked at every option we can think of. In order to actually get this thing started we’ve decided to lease a building on Gordon Road, Wanaka for the following…
2020 is coming to a close…
The end of the year is here and while we haven’t achieved what we were hoping to, a locked in physical location to start the Wanaka Community Workshop journey, we have started a Charitable Trust, done a lot of research and feel like we’re closer to making the idea a reality. We’re feeling confident we’ll…
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