The hardest thing to sort out has been a physical location for the Workshop. We’ve talking to Council about locating a building on Council land and looked at every option we can think of.
In order to actually get this thing started we’ve decided to lease a building on Gordon Road, Wanaka for the following reasons:
- If we were to try and build a shed on Council land it would take 1-2 years and be a big investment in effort before we even got to the fun bit of getting the workshop working.
- We don’t yet know how big or small to build a shed, so rapid prototyping in a low risk easy exit lease will get runs on the board.
- Ben has a building which he is willing to lease below market rate and on terms beneficial to the WCW in order to get the project going.
This is exciting! We can actually start to think about the next steps and can reasonably expect to get the establishment open in the next few months.