Puteketeke, Making a Difference

The MenShed team build traps at the Wanaka Community Workshop – lots of traps.

Every day the traps are doing their work protecting our natural environment across the Upper Clutha. Some are located along the shoreline of Lake Wanaka protecting our iconic Puteketeke – the Australasian Crested Grebe, as they lay eggs and raise their young.

This week we had proof that the traps are doing the job expected of them.

A stoat had been spotted near the marina. A stoat just a few meters from the floating nesting box’s. But not for long. Within days the trap line had done its work.

Thanks to members of Wanaka’s Grebe Team who manage the nesting area, Puteketeke our nations recently elected bird of the century, can go about their business.

Members of the Wanaka Community Workshop are proud to be supporting their great outcome.




