Furoshiki Fabric Gift Wrapping Workshop – Christmas 2023

Come along to Fabricate for a Furoshiki fabric gift wrapping workshop, just in time for Christmas! You can wrap anything using just a bit of fabric. Best part is you can use the fabric over and over again. No sellotape or ribbons required.. 

  • Fabricate, 15 Gordon Road, Wanaka 
  • 13th December 6pm – 8pm 
  • Cost $25

All proceeds donated to Wānaka Community Networks/LINK for the community Xmas hampers they make up for those who are finding the end of year a little difficult. 

 Materials provided by the amazing team at @wanakawastebusters, or purchase fabric from Fabricate at $5 per metre and bring your own! 

We will show you how to wrap all sorts of gifts including wine bottles, odd shaped gifts and larger items like kids bikes! No sewing required! Bring along a friend for some Xmas cheer, a few giggles and discover the incredible space that is Fabricate. 

There’s limited spaces so be in quick. Email contact@revology.co.nz or drop into the Revology store on Helwick St to reserve your spot.

