Learning about geko’s and skinks

Learning about geko’s and skinks

@Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust Wanaka is part of the network of community groups serving the Upper Clutha. Te Kakano through working with agencies, groups and individuals across our district seeks to protect healthy ecosystems and community wellbeing for years to come.

A key element of Te Kakano’s efforts is focused upon education – especially education targeting children. This week the MenShed team completed a number of structures designed to safely house geko’s and skinks that also call the Upper Clutha home.

A few of the Geko Houses being picked up this week.

Many geko’s and skinks that live in our community are unique not just to New Zealand but this particular area.

Over the next few weeks WAI Wanaka in association with Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust Nursery will distribute the “Geko houses” to schools across the district for use in their environmental education program.

The team at the MenShed are proud to partner with Wai Wanaka and Te Kakano Nursery in designing and building what were quite complex little structures.

Thanks to everyone that supports the WCW, especially our amazing volunteers. The workshop and fabricate sewing room are used by volunteers to complete these projects, send us a message if you are interested in knowing more or joining up. The space can also be accessed for personal use with a membership. We have all the tools, and we save materials from the waste stream and store for projects. For a small annual membership you can access all this goodness.



