Making a difference

Dave works on a stoat trap

Over many years a significant effort has been underway throughout the Upper Clutha to reduce the threat of pests to our endangered wildlife.

Part of this effort involves traps that target killers – stoats, possums, and rats.

A host of agencies are involved. These include the Department of Conservation, community and environmental groups, firms, schools and individuals.

The team at the MenShed operating from the Wanaka Community Workshop contribute to this effort with the manufacture of traps for many of these agencies.

We also make traps for sale to individuals and families.

Some are farmers. Others live in town. The traps are used in residential and commercial areas as well as within the rural sector.

Each of us, whether part of a group or as an individual can make a difference.

From the Wanaka Community Workshop we sell rat traps as well as more sophisticated stoat traps.




